Things are going haywire at TradeRepublic: thanks to a full banking licence, the company can now offer its customers their own current accounts, and the rapid growth of the company is impressive. At the same time, however, there are also problems caused by the expansion, and many customers are having negative experiences with Trade Republic for the first time.

But what is the situation really like, how good is the offer and what can you expect? Find out everything you need to know in my report ‘TradeRepublic Experience 2024’!

In brief:

  • TradeRepublic is one of the most popular neo-brokers on the German-speaking market. Trading in stocks and shares is possible from €1.00.
  • The company has implemented its customers’ own experiences and wishes and greatly expanded its 2024 range.
  • Not everything went smoothly: technical difficulties, poor communication and an unattractive design met with little approval. However, they ultimately do not change the attractive offer.

2.5 million Germans have gained experience with TradeRepublic!

Actually, no introduction is necessary: if you invest money in shares or ETFs, you have probably already had experience with TradeRepublic. Around 2.5 million Germans and four million customers worldwide use the popular platform. According to the company itself, it is now the largest broker in Europe!

If you are not yet one of our customers or simply need a little refresher: TR is an online broker based in Berlin that has completely transformed the market for share and ETF investments with its trading app. Since 2019, it has offered users the opportunity to invest in various exchange-traded products.

In 2024, the company received a full banking licence from the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin). This means that the company is now a real bank and is allowed to offer current accounts, for example. However, its core business remains online securities accounts and stock market trading.

In contrast to the previously common method via a house bank, the money-multiplying process is simple, practical and extremely cost-effective: you can invest in shares and ETFs for a fee of just €1.00. In addition, you can also use riskier assets such as derivatives. However, this area of the product range receives little attention – only around two percent of customers use these offers.

The option to execute an ETF or shares through a savings plan free of charge has helped make the app extremely popular. These regular, automatic investments now form the core of many people’s wealth accumulation.

The broker can use the experience gained in more than five years of the company’s history – and the Berliners need to, because the market is highly competitive! They are always trying to poach customers from competitors with new offers and improvements. This seems to be working well, with around 100,000 new customers joining every month!

Banner - Trade Republic
Sehr gute App
Aktien und Sparpläne bereits ab 1€
3,75% Zinsen auf dem Verrechnungskonto

Basics: This is what you get at TradeRepublic

TR is particularly suitable for people who have little or no experience of the stock markets and now want to invest their money wisely. The simple handling and low costs are of great benefit to newcomers – but advanced traders also profit, of course.

This is because the depository is generally free of charge and costs are only incurred for the actual trading. The extremely favourable conditions are possible, among other things, because Trade Republic only offers a single trading venue: you have to conduct all transactions on the Lang & Schwarz exchange.

In my experience, a single trading centre is easily sufficient for investors who primarily want to achieve long-term asset growth. However, if you are looking for more exotic stocks or want to actively trade in derivatives, leverage, margin and the like, you should also open another securities account with a different provider. Since online brokers no longer charge securities account fees, this is easy to do at no extra cost.

I have had particularly good experiences with the combination of TradeRepublic and CapTrader. But brokers like Freedom24 are also a good match.

Banner - Freedom24
Bis zu 20 Gratis-Aktien (01.07.-31.10.2024)
Bis zu 5,4% pro Jahr für Einlagen in EUR
Median von 79 - 529€ der Gratis-Aktien (01.07.-31.10.2024)

You can then use TR for savings plans or investments in ETFs or large companies. Thanks to the favourable cost model, you can save a lot of money here! If you occasionally want to buy other, rather unknown stocks on different exchanges, CapTrader and Monefit come into play.

What you should not expect is outstanding customer service or personal attention. This is where Trade Republic and all neo-brokers have problems: they save on customer service and try to deal with problems, complaints, etc. through automated responses, chatbots and FAQs.

However, poor experiences with customer service are not limited to TradeRepublic; almost all online brokers have to deal with these problems.

Shares and ETFs

The range has grown from an original 7,500 to around 8,500 stocks at present. Added to this are 2,200 ETFs. Overall, the offering is therefore solid and, in my experience, you will find most stocks here without further ado. However, if you are looking for exotic stocks or special ETFs, there may be problems.

Of the 8,500 securities, around 2,700 are available as an equity savings plan available. It is also possible to buy fractions, which allows you to get in on expensive securities at a low cost. However, certain rights, such as attending a general meeting, are denied to you until you own at least one whole share.

Particularly interesting: among the available ETFs, around 1,500 include equities, 550 use bonds, 30 rely on commodities and another 30 on real estate. An exciting mix that offers you many strategic options! For example, if you have no experience with commodities but still want to benefit from this asset class, ETFs are a good place to start.

ETF TypeFigures
equity ETFsAbout 1,500
bond ETFsAbout 550
commodity ETFs30
property ETFs30

The available providers are also attractive! Almost all the big names, such as Vanguard, HSBC, Van Eck, Xtrackers and iShares, are represented in sufficient quantity. Many investors place less value on a wide selection of ETFs, but it can certainly bring advantages. For example, the issuers have different fee models that can help you save costs.

You can buy stocks and ETFs as a market order (immediate execution at the best available price – but may be more expensive than expected) or limit order (execution at the price you specify. If the price is not available, the execution will not take place).

With other brokers, you have significantly more choice here – there are dozens of special order forms! However, this should be enough for most private investors. Problems only arise here if you want to actively trade.

All 2,200 exchange traded funds are also available free of charge as an ETF savings plan. Even the already low fee of €1.00 is waived here! You can set the execution quite flexibly (weekly, biweekly, monthly or quarterly) and, of course, different savings rates are also available to you. You can get started with as little as €1.00 per purchase.

Four execution intervals are available for savings plans.

You can conveniently have the money for the execution debited by direct debit. Of course, TradeRepublic would prefer you to set up a current account with the company and handle your investments (and all other banking transactions) from here.

Banner - Trade Republic
Sehr gute App
Aktien und Sparpläne bereits ab 1€
3,75% Zinsen auf dem Verrechnungskonto

New bonds available!

Bonds are usually considered to be rather boring investments – wrongly so! In addition to the usually very safe, but also only minimally interest-bearing government bonds (for example from Germany), there are also much more exciting alternatives.

At TR, you currently have a little over 600 bonds at your disposal. This selection is not overwhelming, but it is solid. By way of comparison, over 5,000 government bonds and more than 10,000 corporate bonds are traded on the Xetra exchange in Frankfurt.

As is so often the case, TradeRepublic is ideal for gaining initial experience in a particular field. You can easily invest in bonds here and thus, for example, add an additional hedge to your portfolio. In any case, it is a nice extra that you won’t find with many other brokers.

The app offers around 600 bonds.

Particularly in times of falling interest rates, you can hope for attractive price gains with this financial instrument. This is because bonds are traded on the stock exchange and have fluctuating prices. When the base rate falls, such securities with the older, higher interest rate suddenly become much more interesting – the price rises. In addition to the often measly interest rate, the prospect of capital gains is the main reason why many investors turn to this asset class.

With TradeRepublic, you can get started from as little as €1.00! A savings plan for purchases is also offered, creating a very flexible offering. This is a perfect way to gain your first experience with bonds.

But be careful: such small amounts are only possible because you are only buying fragments. So you don’t actually own the (whole) bond. If there are problems at TR and there is a threat of insolvency, this would have negative consequences. . Die Absicherung ist jedoch, dank der Erfahrungen aus der Finanzkrise 2008 und der 2024 erteilten Vollbank-Lizenz, heute generell so gut, dass eine Pleite äußerst unwahrscheinlich sein dürfte.

So it’s a deal with pros and cons: you can profit from bonds with the smallest amounts and don’t have to invest 1,000 euros or more first, you can use savings plans and save fees. In return, you have a slightly smaller selection and are not the actual owner of the bond.

Trade Republic Call Money: Interest on your capital

As early as 2023, TradeRepublic caused a stir with an exciting measure: as one of the first neo-brokers, it paid interest on uninvested capital. A proud 3.75% p.a. has since been paid on unused money! This amount is limited to €50,000 and, at the time, offered a very attractive return.

The problem is that the key interest rate and the financial environment have changed. 3.75 per cent is no longer really worth mentioning. On the other hand, it certainly doesn’t hurt to get extra interest on your unneeded capital.

My personal experience shows that there are always phases when you have some cash lying around in your account. For example, you may have money set aside for a purchase but you’re waiting for the ideal time to make the purchase. In such cases, an interest rate of 3.75 per cent is, of course, very attractive!

You only start earning interest when you activate the feature.

To start earning interest, you first have to activate the feature. Your money then goes to one of the partner banks, such as Solarisbank or Citigroup.

Since Citigroup is based in Ireland, the Irish deposit guarantee scheme applies to this interest offer. In the event of a bank bankruptcy, you can get 90 per cent of your capital back here, up to a maximum of €20,000 – significantly less than the German deposit guarantee of €100,000! The experiences during the banking crisis of 2008 have shown that, while such an insolvency is not likely, it is still possible.

Fortunately, this special regulation only applies to the interest rate offer. All other services are based in Germany, monitored by BaFin and protected by the German deposit insurance. It should also be noted that TradeRepublic reserves the right to lower, suspend or even charge negative interest rates at any time.

Since TradeRepublic recently obtained a full banking licence, it can be assumed that it will process the interest offers itself in the future. The problems with the Irish hedge and the manual registration would then probably no longer apply. Until then, you are handing over your money and should be aware of the risks.

If you don’t want to register your money for the 3.75 per cent, you will still receive a small amount of interest: 2 per cent is currently paid automatically on your non-invested capital. Again, this interest rate is hardly worth mentioning, but if you don’t have anything better to do with the amount anyway, you are welcome to take it.

You want to know who the best neobroker is? Our comparison of Scalable Capital vs TradeRepublic will tell you!

Problems and bad reviews at TradeRepublic

Let’s move on to what is probably the most interesting part at the moment: the problems of TradeRepublic. Since spring 2024, a series of difficulties began that have apparently not yet been overcome. There is not necessarily one specific cause, but rather many problems in different areas that add up. The rating on portals like TrustPilot has suffered extremely since then.

For months, we have been inundated with a flood of bad reviews. The reasons for this are:

All these points would be bearable if it weren’t for the one central problem: TradeRepublic has terrible customer service! Contact is only possible via email – with astronomical response times. If you do get a reply, it usually contains only text modules that can also be found in the FAQ section.

This ultimately raises the question: how reputable is TradeRepublic? And would I really want to trust a bank that doesn’t offer accessible customer service with my money? Based on the current assessment, it can be said that many users tend to answer these questions with ‘no’.

To make matters worse, the company’s communications are characterised by an almost impertinent tone, which is reflected in the way the company deals with customers. For example, the company generally uses standard phrases to explain problems or points out that it has done nothing illegal (as happened with the delayed dividend payment). There is no sign of any admission of guilt or promise of improvement.

Those who have been using TradeRepublic for a while are probably not surprised: as early as 2021, the company decided to disable the purchase of shares during the GameStop short squeeze, angering many users. At the time, BaFin received over 4,000 complaints against TradeRepublic.

Even with the problems that persist today, there were again thousands of reports to the supervisory authority. The authority is finally reacting and has ordered an investigation of the company. In response to the abuses, fines could be imposed. However, it is more likely that the company will be forced to stop taking on new customers. a popular measure of the BaFin when a provider has grown too fast and cannot get its problems under control.

This is how I invest with TradeRepublic

I myself have been actively investing in TR for many years – in fact, I have been involved almost from the very beginning! Since then, my portfolio has grown steadily through further deposits and the profits and dividends I have earned. Today, it is worth more than 15,000 euros.

Over the years, my portfolio has grown to a considerable size.

My use of it is fairly standard: I use the app to buy stocks and ETFs with a medium to long holding period. I do this through direct purchases via limit orders and through savings plans. So you could call me a typical standard user who is engaged in quite boring but successful wealth accumulation.

During my years with TR, I have had nothing but positive experiences. I have never had to deal with error messages, an unavailable app or any other problems. All transactions went as promised and even depositing and withdrawing money is easy and surprisingly fast.

Since I haven’t had any problems so far, I haven’t had to deal with the infamous customer service either. I think it’s important not to get your hopes up here: TradeRepublic is a broker that offers low-cost access to stock markets. However, if problems arise, you are largely on your own. and I have to accept very long waiting times before problems are solved.

Banner - Trade Republic
Sehr gute App
Aktien und Sparpläne bereits ab 1€
3,75% Zinsen auf dem Verrechnungskonto

Conclusion of my TradeRepublic experience: a low-cost broker with problems

TradeRepublic has been known for years as one of the top neo-brokers in the DACH region! TR is ideal especially for investors with little experience and those who only want to engage in long-term asset accumulation with savings plans.

The product catalogue is good with 8,500 shares, 2,200 ETFs, 600 bonds and numerous derivatives. Other providers can often offer more here, but usually fail due to the costs: with TradeRepublic, you only pay one euro for the trade! Without surcharges, special conditions or other hidden costs. In our opinion and experience, this is one of the most attractive offers on the German market.

ETF savings plans are completely free of charge, enabling you to build up your assets. In addition, you receive two per cent interest on unused capital. You can even increase this amount to 3.75 per cent if you entrust the money to the partner banks – however, a limit of €50,000 then applies.

The actually great offer suffers from numerous difficulties that have arisen since 2024: delayed or missing deposits and withdrawals, uncertainties in crypto trading, late dividend payments… These problems are exacerbated by poor customer service and have caused thousands of bad reviews.

But despite these problems, the offering remains attractive. For inexperienced investors, there is hardly a better option than TradeRepublic.

Since 2024, it has had a full banking licence from BaFin and has since started offering current accounts and debit cards. However, it is up to you to decide whether you want to trust a bank that is unavailable when you need it.

Based on my experience, I can say that TradeRepublic is an extremely affordable broker with a solid offering. For savings plans and investments in well-known securities, TR continues to be a good first port of call.

FAQ – Frequently asked questions about Trade Republic experiences

Debitum proves that size isn’t everything. My experiences with Debitum show: Here you can count on more than 11 percent return (after deductions of possible failures)! How this works, what advantages and problems there are and what you should pay attention to, I’ll show you in my experience report.

In brief:

  • Debitum is a P2P provider from Latvia that finances business loans.
  • The provider is rather unknown, but reputable, fully regulated and has been operating for a long time.
  • My personal Debitum experience shows that returns of 11 per cent are easily possible!
Sustainable returns of 9-12% per year
Entry is possible from just €10 per credit bundle
1% bonus on your investment

Debitum Network Review: What’s behind it?

Investors are asking themselves the question ‘What should I invest in?’ more and more, and for more and more, the answer is: ‘P2P loans’! After all, it is a crisis-proof investment with high returns. No wonder that the market for such offers is constantly growing.

When you hear the keyword P2P, you probably think of Mintos, Bondora or EstateGuru first. However, smaller service providers receive significantly less attention – often unfairly, as my Debitum experience shows!

The company, whose name sounds like the latest crypto scam, is a small but fine P2P provider from Latvia. For more than five years, they have been successfully brokering corporate loans to private investors.

Yes, that’s right: this is where you finance. not consumer credit, real estate or agricultural machinery, but loans for companies. This makes the platform particularly exciting if you want to diversify your portfolio: you get access to an area that most investors completely ignore!

The types of companies involved depend heavily on the respective loan provider. On DN, you will find several providers that in turn offer different loans. In return for your capital, you can expect a high return of currently 11.16 per cent!

They have already used DN to finance loans in almost all industrialised nations.

DN is regulated by the Latvian Financial Regulator. Only four providers are currently authorised to issue ‘asset-backed securities’, and the network is one of them. The regulator’s licence also provides additional protection for investors. This means that up to €20,000 of your capital is protected in the event of insolvency.

How does investing work at Debitum?

Have you already gained experience with P2P loans? Then there are a few innovations waiting for you at DN! Let’s start from the beginning: small and medium-sized companies often need loans but have difficulty getting them from a bank.

The reasons for this include the young age of the companies (banks want to see a track record and history before they hand over the money) or simply the long waiting times for ‘normal’ loans.

Alternatively, loan brokers with impressive-sounding names such as ‘Triple Dragon’ or ‘Sandbox Funding’ are available. They specialise in specific industries – Triple Dragon, for example, in the video game industry – and are very knowledgeable in this area.

You can currently invest in loans from five lenders. The country of origin of these brokers does not necessarily have to be the country in which they grant loans!

If a company asks them for money, they assess the request with their expertise. If everything looks good, they issue the capital, but want to refinance it as quickly as possible (in order to continue working and issuing new loans).

This is where private investors like you and me and marketplaces like Debitum come in: on the website, you can see a variety of such loans and invest in them. However, the Latvian company first checks everything carefully to make sure that everything is above board!

Strict testing and licences

Both the credit providers and each individual credit are carefully scrutinised. Even the Latvian financial supervisory authority keeps a watchful eye on all processes.

This is because DN holds an investment broker licence from the authority. This licence is subject to considerable requirements that the company must meet. that benefit us investors. So you can be sure that every investment has been given the green light by at least three institutions!

To further reduce the risk, we combine at least five such loans into ‘asset-backed securities’. If, contrary to expectations, there are ever problems with one of them, the damage to the whole package is at least limited.

If you are interested in one of the loan bundles, you can invest your capital via the sleek web platform. If everything goes smoothly and the loans are repaid as agreed, you will receive your money and the interest, which is currently 11.16 per cent.

However, if there are problems and a borrower, for example, does not pay on time, the broker has to buy it or replace it with an equivalent loan – in this case, you also receive your stake and the promised return.

Risk and security

If you want to achieve a high return, you have to accept certain risks for your money – this also applies to P2P loans! For example, I have already reported extensively on the risk of Mintos.

The situation is similar for Debitum. However, my experience shows that the high return on P2P loans is the worth the risk, though! The company will, of course, do everything it can to protect your capital.

This starts with the selection of loan originators and loans: instead of a variety of providers and investments, you will find only a handful of loan brokers and a few asset-backed securities on DN.

The reason for this is not low demand, but the strict selection criteria of the Latvians! They only authorise a few brokers and also check every loan thoroughly – the Latvian Financial and Capital Market Commission also carries out checks.

The structure initially appears complex, but it is actually very simple: loan originators arrange loans in which you can invest via the network. Numerous control mechanisms ensure security.

Should a bad loan nevertheless find its way onto the platform, it’s not a problem: there is a buy-back guarantee that starts with the loan originators. If the borrowers default or delay repayment, the middlemen have to take over the payment.

So in this case, too, you will get back your invested capital and the interest. The defaulting borrowers have to pay 15% p.a. for delays, so that fresh money flows into the company’s coffers even in the event of delays.

Security mechanisms in the event of payment defaults

Should a borrower become completely insolvent, the deposited collateral is used. This includes, for example, guarantees for the borrowed capital. It is also possible to exchange the collateral for a loan of an equivalent value.

Fortunately, this has not yet been the case since I invested here. However, experience with other providers shows that this system works very well as long as the companies involved themselves have sufficient funds.

If, on the other hand, a loan broker or an entire platform goes bankrupt, things usually look bleak for us private investors. However, such problems are always apparent long in advance and give investors enough time to react accordingly. There are currently but no indications of this on Debitum.

Another advantage of the financial licence: capital that you store on the platform but have not yet invested is subject to deposit protection. Up to €20,000 is protected in this way – even in the event of insolvency.

Your investments (asset-backed securities) are not covered by this protection, but the investment broker licence provides significantly better legal protection for investors like you and me in the event of defaults.

Sustainable returns of 9-12% per year
Entry is possible from just €10 per credit bundle
1% bonus on your investment

Debitum in the test: What is the current status of the platform?

For the security of your capital, it is important that the respective P2P provider is economically sound. The biggest risk is the bankruptcy of the loan arranger or the entire platform.

It is therefore extremely worthwhile to take a regular look at the business figures! These show a recent loss of €110,000 for the company. Based on my experience at Debitum, this amount is completely within reason and can be recouped through further growth. Level off the future quickly.

Despite its – for the P2P market – long company history of at least five years The company is still in the growth phase. Only just under 10,000 investors are currently active. So there is plenty of room for more.

Public figures from Debitum

It has also only been a short time since the Latvian financial supervisory authority granted its licence, and the company is still working on implementing the many requirements. There are no real templates for this – regulated P2P lending is a new concept.

Debitum seems to have implemented the authorities’ rules very well so far and is already using many of the new options. Elsewhere, they are still making improvements: for example, an auto-invest function is missing because it also has to meet the requirements of the financial supervisory authority. It should be added soon.

Overall, Debitum seems to be on the right track; as long as more users join and invest diligently, there is nothing standing in the way of a lucrative future from an economic point of view.

The new CEO, Henrijs Jansons, also sees it this way: he took over the management position in 2022 and immediately acquired a large stake in the company. A management team that has a stake in the company and thus ‘skin in the game’ is a very good sign!

While it doesn’t completely protect against shady dealings, it usually means that the person believes in the company’s success. Given the company’s positive outlook, this is easy to understand.

Debitum experience: strengths and weaknesses

Despite its longer history, the Latvian P2P marketplace has only a few users so far. However, this does not mean that an investment would not be worthwhile! A closer look at the advantages and disadvantages will help you decide whether it would be worth your while to get involved.

Let’s look at the problems first:

What are the disadvantages of Debitum?

If the stock and ETF market is more interesting for you, it is worth taking a look at my broker comparison or my report ‘How safe are ETFs?’

But of course there are also a number of advantages!

What are the advantages of Debitum?

The most important ones are:

While you finance a small loan for a new Playstation from other providers, you invest in productive capital with DN. The borrowers use your capital to make a profit, so that repayment usually goes well.

It’s also interesting from a moral point of view: your money helps small and medium-sized companies to grow and make new investments. You can make a positive economic contribution. It feels much better than consumer credit, where you may be helping a private individual down the road to debt!

With the loan packages, you can get into dozens of loans at the same time. This makes it easy to diversify broadly with even a small fortune!

Further advantages of Debitum

The Latvian Financial Supervisory Authority’s licence is publicly available. You can even call or email them if you need information about the company.

My Debitum experiences in practice

I personally tested the platform for several months with a capital of €1,200. There were no problems or other surprises – everything went exactly as I would have expected.

Unlike most competitors, you have to select all investments yourself here. An auto-invest function is not currently available, but it is coming soon. However, since the product catalogue consists of loan packages that already offer good diversification, this is not such a big problem.

The due diligence, i.e. the careful examination of an investment, is also massively reduced. Since you are investing in a bundle of loans, it makes little sense to thoroughly check each individual loan.

Instead, I analyse the structure of the overall package and trust in the control mechanisms and supervision of the loan provider, DN and the Latvian Financial Supervisory Authority.

So far, this has always worked well – the platform has an excellent track record of more than five years, which even the war in Ukraine could not affect! You won’t find large-scale failures here, as other service providers have experienced during the Corona pandemic, for example.

I have invested in these packages.

I currently have six loan bundles in which I have invested my money. Two of them contain the minimum of five loans, while the largest package contains an impressive 43! In total, I invested in 97 loans in this way – and with ‘only1,200 euros!

Name Number of loans included
Flexidea Polen43
Triple Dragon UK5

Of course, your investment can look quite different, because the selection is more than big enough. In my experience, new loans are added regularly. This is particularly important because it is the only way to avoid cash drag, i.e. capital lying around uselessly!

If I divide my invested money by the number of loans, I have invested an average of 12.37 euros per loan. This is a very low amount that shows a high degree of diversification and would hardly be possible with other service providers.

You may also be interested in: How do personal loans actually compare? My report ‘the 10 best investments’ shows it!

Sustainable returns of 9-12% per year
Entry is possible from just €10 per credit bundle
1% bonus on your investment

Debitum experience: a lucrative P2P provider in an interesting niche

Business loans are an exciting area for P2P lending. They offer a good return and comparatively strong collateral, as companies are highly likely to repay their debts.

Debitum has experience in this area, having been offering such loans for more than five years! Small and medium-sized companies approach credit brokers, who in turn forward the applications to DN and the Latvian Financial Supervisory Authority.

If everything looks good, you can then find the projects summarised in practical packages on the website. Here you can get started with as little as 10 euros per bundle (at least 5 loans)! This also allows investors with little capital to diversify very effectively.

My return is currently over 11 per cent, which is a good result. Other P2P providers offer higher rates, but they are often less reputable. You won’t have a problem here: the network has an investment broker licence from the Latvian financial regulator!

An accolade that comes with many advantages (and a few minor disadvantages): The authorities keep a watchful eye on all transactions in the credit business, which offers us investors additional security. Even in the event of insolvency, we thus have a better chance of getting our money back.

In addition, there is a deposit guarantee for non-invested capital and significantly better transparency than is the case with many competitors. However, due to the high requirements, there is currently no auto-invest function; so you always have to select the loan packages by hand.

Overall, the network makes a very good impression. Solid returns, an exciting business area and the security of official licensing are very attractive to me. My previous Debitum experiences were correspondingly positive.

I will continue to invest money here and look forward to future developments!